Since March 2020 thousands of textile workers of the factories Dragon Sweater and Imperial Sweater (both belonging to Dragon Group) have been fighting for wages and severance pay owed to them. Workers that used to produce for retailers...
Since the International Conference of Labor Unions in the Garment Industry in Colombo (Sri Lanka) in February this year, comrades of the ICL have been following the struggle of garment workers in different factories in Myanmar. One of...
The local branch of USI-CIT in Modena is calling a Strike on Monday 16th March at Ferrari’s plant in Maranello because of the current health emergency (due to coronavirus). Despite the fact that most plants in many sectors...
The ICL encourages contact between textile unions and horizontal cooperation, thus promoting the model of revolutionary trade unionism. After the first day of the International Conference of Labour Unions in the Garment Industry, where the trade unions introduced...
The Dabindu Collective, after touring across Europe (where they visited France, Germany and Spain), organized this meeting of unions in the region, with contributions from the CNT from Spain and the FAU from Germany. The ICL’s representative introduced...
Thanks to our comrades from FAU, this October we could have Dian, delegate from FBLP-Indonesia, and Chamila, representing the Dadindu Collective-Sri Lanka, sharing with us the experience of resistance of women workers in the textile industry in Southeast...
The International Confederation of Labour and its member sections endorse and support the demonstration called in Athens for the 30th of November 2019 by our Greek section, ESE, together with a large number of grassroots unions. We therefore...
25 october 2019, USI-CIT calls for general strike: For the increase of wages. For a reduction of working time with same salary. Against precarious contracts and for the unification of category contracts. For environment rehabilitation and defense. For...
The ICL brings together a number of anarcho-syndicalist and revolutionary unions from around the world. It is born out of their desire for closer collaboration and to add an international dimension to their local work, which will allow them to coordinate with comrades around the world and make their struggles visible to a global audience.