The labour struggle for an increase of the minimum wage for garment workers in Bangladesh intensified since October 23rd 2023. Hundreds of thousands of workers went on strike, rallied in the streets, blocked highways and attacked factory property....
Since the dawn of time, people with a penchant for justice, equality and solidarity have fought for improvements in our lives and the lives of those who will come after us. There’s the first strike in Egypt, some...
Français | Deutsch | Español ⚫️ An injury to one 🔴 Is a injury to all It was 2017 when a worker from La Suiza patisserie (Xixón, Asturias) came to the union looking for support and advice. She...
Lately it has become fashionable to talk about espionage, the “Kitchen operations” and the sewers of the state ... These are dark mechanisms used by those who aspire to a share of power to play each other off...
On July 26th a foodpanda rider died in the streets of Hong Kong in an accident. Some colleagues and family members wrote a joint letter demanding from foodpanda to enhance work injury protection and review work safety risks....
On March 16th the management of Foodpanda Myanmar announced significant cuts in pay (also known as basic order fee). In reaction riders logged out of their accounts and self-organized a spontaneous strike. Within three days it was joined...
All the grassroots unions in Italy are united against redundancies and social carnage and are calling a 24 hours-long nationwide general strike in the private and public sectors on 18/10/2021. The redundancies at the companies Ginetti Gomme, GKN... Nearly three thousand CNT members, sympathisers and members of other trade unions took to the streets on 10 July in Gijon (Asturias, northern Spain) to protest against the recent court ruling ( sentencing members of the local...
A massive THANK YOU! As you know, ICL’s Asia group with the support of FAU Hamburg have been coordinating a fundraising campaign with Garment Workers’ Trade Union Center (GWTUC) in Dhaka (Bangladesh) on behalf of the workers involved...
Alumalsa is the biggest aluminium cast plant in Spain. It employs hundreds of workers and CNT has a large union section in it. It is located near Zaragoza and the company belongs to a large Canadian multinational group,...
The ICL brings together a number of anarcho-syndicalist and revolutionary unions from around the world. It is born out of their desire for closer collaboration and to add an international dimension to their local work, which will allow them to coordinate with comrades around the world and make their struggles visible to a global audience.