Amazon pollutes more than the biggest coal-fired power plants in the EU. Exploitation of working people destroys the planet! Environmental organizations are actively involved in the #MakeAmazonPay employee campaign. That campaign included blocking deliveries at Amazon warehouses near...
The struggle for reproductive rights in Poland In October, a court ruling placed an effective ban on all abortions in Poland. In response, the country erupted into spontaneous mass protests, occupations and strikes. The local ICL section IP...
On March 20 we took part in a teleconference with Amazon. The company presented to us its proposal of a bonus of 4 złoty before taxes (0.61 euro net) for every hour worked between March 15 and April 30....
The ICL brings together a number of anarcho-syndicalist and revolutionary unions from around the world. It is born out of their desire for closer collaboration and to add an international dimension to their local work, which will allow them to coordinate with comrades around the world and make their struggles visible to a global audience.