Real changes in climate policy can only be achieved through economic pressure. The strike is the right way to achieve this. That is why the FAU Berlin supports the Global Strike on 20 September 2019. Climate change is...
ICL shares the video that the Internationalist Commune of Rojava have sent us for March 8th. We thank all the women in the video from the bottom of our hearts. We are very aware that their message comes...
It is the case with injustice that it always spawns resistance. Patriarchy and women's oppression have been around for millennia. So has been the struggle against it. All too often, it couldn’t take the form of an open...
A global problem means a global fight and makes internationalism necessary. But what does internationalism mean in a revolutionary sense? What does it mean for women? Women`s struggles have always been internationalist. What we have in common, is...
We are the women of Anatolia and Mesopotamia; We have been living in the dark days of history. For decades the people of these lands, have been more and more oppressed. We have seen poverty, we have seen...
As in many countries with a Christian cultural background the reproductive rights of women in Ireland had been extensively curtailed. So much so, that what was tantamount to an abortion ban had been included in the country’s constitution,...
Also for 2019, as USI-CIT, we strongly relaunch the 8th March general strike on workplaces. A strike that we deem necessary to undermine oppression and gender violence, in a society still pervaded by strong discrimination and sexism despite...
In recent years, women have been taking to the streets again and again to protest against violence and oppression, restrictions on their reproductive rights, prevailing inequalities and discrimination. Italy, Argentina, Poland, South Korea and the US have seen...
Original text On March 8, 2017 and again in 2018, after the call of "Not one less," a general strike was called in more than 55 countries, underlining, if necessary, that the struggle of women has a fundamental...
For the second year in a row, the CNT (Spain) and USI (Italy) are calling for a feminist general strike in their respective countries for March 8, International Women’s Day. (Pictures and documents from last year’s strike can...
The ICL brings together a number of anarcho-syndicalist and revolutionary unions from around the world. It is born out of their desire for closer collaboration and to add an international dimension to their local work, which will allow them to coordinate with comrades around the world and make their struggles visible to a global audience.