Our comrades from Genç İşçi Derneği (Young Workers Association) and DAF have sent us the following report and accompanying images of their participation in the Mayday rally in Istambul. We’re happy to see red and black flags in the streets of Turkey, joining the drive for a revolutionary unionist and anarchosyndicalist movement beyond all borders. In their participation, they have stated very clearly the international nature of our struggle. They already know that we are fully behind them in this. We wish them the best and we send them libertarian greetings on behalf of all our sections and friends.
The Liaison Committee of ICL.
As Genç İşçi Derneği (Young Workers Association), we were in 2019 May Day protests in Bakırköy. We raise black and red banner on which the sentence of Lorenzo; “Every storm starts with a single raindrop”.
As a memory of anarchist comrade Lorenzo who had been murdered in Rojava, we use his sentence to raise the anger of the young workers.
With our marches and with our slogans, we tried to show the organised strength of workers. The workers who are self-organised, the workers who use direct actions.
With our slogans, we reminded the anarchist history of the May Day.
We, as DAF, were in the walk to strengthen the voice of the workers.
We salute all comrades May Day,
Long live anarchism
Long live revolution
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