Fill the strike fund: Migrant strike in Valencia enters its eighth week
Since 25 February, the workers at the factory of Productos Florida SA near Valencia, Spain, have been on an indefinite ...
Since 25 February, the workers at the factory of Productos Florida SA near Valencia, Spain, have been on an indefinite ...
On March 20 we took part in a teleconference with Amazon. The company presented to us its proposal of a ...
EVERY STATE THAT ATTACKS THE PEOPLE WILL LOSE! The state of Turkey has started a new war with its old ...
DONATE, DEMONSTRATE, RALLY, RISE UP 4 ROJAVA! Only a few months ago, the sections in ICL agreed in a referendum ...
War planes above our heads, and for the first time since the revolution began we hear the bombs falling in ...
A global problem means a global fight and makes internationalism necessary. But what does internationalism mean in a revolutionary sense? ...
The International Confederation of Labor stands for the solidarity of all working people and against any kind of state repression. ...
The ICL brings together a number of anarcho-syndicalist and revolutionary unions from around the world. It is born out of their desire for closer collaboration and to add an international dimension to their local work, which will allow them to coordinate with comrades around the world and make their struggles visible to a global audience.