We did it!
Thanks, comrades From the CNT we express our deepest gratitude to all the unions affiliated with the ICL who have answered our ...
Thanks, comrades From the CNT we express our deepest gratitude to all the unions affiliated with the ICL who have answered our ...
What a best way to start a new year than welcoming a new member to our expanding family of revolutionaries ...
The Supreme court notified the sentece this monday in which it ratifies the conviction to the accused colleagues. The CNT ...
English | Deutsch | Italiano | Ελληνικά | Polski | Español | Français | Nederlands The International Confederation of Labour ...
On July 26th a foodpanda rider died in the streets of Hong Kong in an accident. Some colleagues and family ...
Riders as well as labor unions connected to brands owned by Delivery Hero are currently in the process of uniting ...
Since February 2021 people in Myanmar are resisting the military junta. Among them are our comrades of the Federation of ...
Below, we present some of the recent struggles of the IP (Inicjatywa Pracownicza - Workers’ Initiative) union from Poland and ...
The Asia Working Group of the International Confederation of Labor (ICL) calls on members, syndicates and sympathizers to stand in ...
Mahmoud Homsi of the FAU takes over as the new ICL Secretary after Miguel Perez of the CNT successfully completes ...
The ICL brings together a number of anarcho-syndicalist and revolutionary unions from around the world. It is born out of their desire for closer collaboration and to add an international dimension to their local work, which will allow them to coordinate with comrades around the world and make their struggles visible to a global audience.